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Italy produces yearly about 300.000 tonns of wasted tyres, that for the lower specific gravity makes it equivalent to a volume of 1.875.000 meters cubes and to the load of 45.000 trailer trucks.
Because of the particular resistance to the action of the microorganisms, the tyres spend more than 100 years before being destroyed in the dumps and, for their shape and volumetric mass, scrap tyres have the tendency to float on the other refusals, making the compaction more difficult.

Actual technology allows to consider the tyre not only a waste, but rather a potential resource and, to the incalculable advantage of protect precious raw materials, is added the opportunity to avoid the opening of new dumps.

From a tyre, through a particular grinding process, it is possible to separate the rubber from steel and fabric, giving life to new raw materials. From tyre recycling process are produced rubber chips used for the production of crash-proof floorings, sports surfaces, insulating panels, technical articles, while the steel is magnetically separated and recycled as raw material in steelworks; the part of fabric, present especially in car's tyres, is separated to avoid a contamination of the end product and environment.

The TPK founds the own operativity upon these principles, without creating any type of wastes, harmful smokes, water pollution. A company located near Crotone, founded by the Nicolazzi's family, it's born from a dream and a technological project, the dream of a clean world and the technological / entrepreneurial project that will contribute to create new job opportunities.

webmaster: alexmagno1982@libero.it